
RFK Jr.: Giving Young People An Economic Future

Although I grew up around the White House, I'm definitely not a career politician. I've spent the last 40 years of my career as an environmental lawyer and advocate fighting large corporate polluters and corrupt government agencies, and trying to protect America's wild places and the quality of our food, the water we drink, and the air that we breathe.

I'm also the most feared and hated candidate among the elites in Washington, D.C. because I'm not bought and I'm not buyable by corporate interests or by the big lobbyists.

Young people today, in particular, feel disenfranchised, disillusioned, disenchanted with the whole political process. Their generation has been crippled with debt and lied to by those in power.

Enough is enough. Help me give young Americans a better economic future by supporting my campaign today, ahead of the FEC’s 3/31 deadline. Your contribution now matters more than ever.

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