Locals Fight To Get RFK Jr. On the North Dakota Ballot

KX News reports:

He’s the oldest son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated while campaigning for president in 1968. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running for president this 2024 election season.

But, here in North Dakota, he is at risk of not even making it on the ballot sheet.

“Three states are refusing to send us ballot petitions and those are Maine, New Hampshire, and North Dakota. This is something that would never happen to a presidential campaign from the major political parties. And one of the side issues that I think has been raised throughout this campaign in many, many ways is the undemocratic lock that the major political parties have on this process, “said Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

However, with a glimmer of hope, Jamestown’s Christian Cairy is leading a grassroots campaign to get Robert F. Kennedy Junior’s name on the North Dakota list.

“Those Independent voters, I mean, I tend to vote more so conservative, and I didn’t have an option other than a Republican candidate to actually kind of fulfill that need. I think gone are the days that need to be like one issue voter voting and stuff like that. There needs to be a better cohesive approach,” said Cairy.

“It important to get him on the ballot anywhere in the state because any president or any aspiring persons who has the means to run for president should be able to run for president,” said Cairy.

Read the full article here.

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