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FEC ‘Investigates’ Non-Issue
LOS ANGELES, CA—JAN. 10, 2024—On Jan. 9, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) sent a letter to the Kennedy campaign asking it to amend its report to clarify salary payments made to a family member.
Amaryllis Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.‘s daughter-in-law, formally joined the Kennedy campaign as Digital Director in May 2023, drawing on her decade of experience building breakthrough consumer digital technologies and online communities. In October 2023, RFK Jr. tapped Amaryllis to take over the role of Campaign Manager shortly after he announced his independent run.
“I asked Amaryllis to run my presidential campaign for the same reason my uncle, John F. Kennedy, asked his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, to run his campaign,” said Kennedy. “There is nobody who could possibly be more effective in this position than Amaryllis Kennedy.”
Given RFK Jr.'s commitment to reaching millions of forgotten voters inaccessible via mainstream media, the campaign has relied on Amaryllis' digital strategy to share its message of hope and renewed prosperity for all Americans. Her team's innovative suite of mobile and desktop tools are critical in harnessing the campaign's grassroots groundswell and fueling RFK Jr.'s complex volunteer efforts to achieve ballot access in all 50 states.
During the first three months of her tenure, the Kennedy campaign tripled its number of registered supporters, launched a 50-state all-volunteer ballot access operation, achieved ballot access in Utah, won its constitutional challenge there, launched a new suite of digital tools for grassroots fundraising and canvassing, designed its own mobile app, and raised more than $7 million in small-dollar donations.
Amaryllis is the former CEO and founder of Silicon Valley natural language start-up Mulu, used by Hearst, Conde Nast, and other leading online publishers. Subsequently Twitter's Head of Product for consumer commerce, Amaryllis led the team of developers, designers, and project managers implementing multi-million dollar integrations with Amazon, Yelp, Postmates, and others.
RFK Jr. has broadly complained against the weaponization of federal agencies including the Secret Service against his campaign. It’s curious that the FEC has capacity to investigate this non-issue when legitimate complaints against top-level Democrats and Republicans have sat dormant for years.
It’s fair for the FEC to look for nepotism when a campaign gives a no-show job to a family member. In this case, a simple Google search would have confirmed that Amaryllis is the campaign manager and is actively running the campaign.
Learn more at Kennedy24.com. Visit our press page here.
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