RFK Jr.’s Campaign Prepares for a Pivotal Moment

Time Magazine Reports:

In 2024, there’s nothing like the Kennedy campaign—a bizarre, freewheeling effort that has capitalized on broad dissatisfaction with both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Kennedy often polls in double digits, positioning him as potentially the most popular third-party candidate since Ross Perot in 1992—if he can manage to qualify for key state ballots. In a Wall Street Journal poll in December, almost 1 in 5 Americans said they would vote for a third-party candidate in 2024.

"The one thing everyone in America can agree on is that they don't want this rematch between Trump and Biden," says Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, the candidate’s daughter-in-law, who took over as campaign manager last October, days after he abandoned his bid for the Democratic nomination to run as an independent.

Read the full article here.

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