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Demand the Pardon of Edward Snowden
I agree that Edward Snowden should be pardoned.
Demand the Pardon of Edward Snowden
When whistleblowers like Daniel Elsberg, John Kiriakou, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange revealed government corruption–they weren’t betraying America–they were returning America to its democratic and humanitarian ideals. But instead of championing free speech and celebrating these truth-tellers, today our government actively persecutes journalists and whistleblowers–which is why I’m calling on every citizen to sign our petition calling for the pardon of Edward Snowden.
This isn’t the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn’t imprison dissidents. Our founders put free speech as the First Amendment because all our other rights depend on it. If you give a government license to silence its critics, it now has license for any atrocity.
What Snowden did for the American people was to restore at least some semblance of democracy. And the importance of the information he released is attested to by the fact that Congress passed legislation recognizing the disclosures he made and tried to ensure that kind of thing didn't happen again. For this, Edward Snowden is a hero - not a villain.
On my first day in office, I’ll pardon Edward Snowden and investigate the corruption and crimes he exposed. I will also issue an executive order to end all attempts by federal agents and federal agencies to censor the political speech of Americans.
Attacking the messenger is never good policy. The government’s war against whistleblowers has turned national heroes into criminals and deterred others who might still come forward. Only if we stand together can we protect whistleblowers, which is why I am encouraging every American–regardless of political party—to sign our petition to demand Edward Snowden's immediate pardon.