






Voter Registration Deadline
Voters in Ohio must be registered to vote by Monday, October 7th.
Voter Registration Methods
Voters can register online, by mail by filling out this voter registration form, and in-person at state agencies listed here.
* does not allow registration at the polls
Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot
Absentee ballots requests must be received by the county board of elections office by Tuesday, Oct 29th
- Can be requested by calling the county boards of elections, see directory here
Can be requested by mail by filing out this form
Can be returned to county board of elections office by 7:30pm on election day, or in a drop box outside county board of elections office.
Deadline to Change Voter Registration Address
Due Date for Mail-in / Returning Absentee Ballot
Mail-In: Postmarked no later than 11/4 (day before election) -- Hand-In: N later than 7:30p 11/5 (Election Day)
Early Voting Window / Locations
Military & Overseas Absentee Voting: Begins September 20

Deadline to Register to Vote: October 7 (Boards open until 9:00 p.m.)

Early In-Person Voting: October 8 and includes the two Saturdays and the two Sundays before Election Day.

Absentee Voting By Mail: Begins October 8
ID Requirements
Voters must bring a valid photo ID, such as an OH DL or US passport, when voting at the polls. Paychecks, utility bills, or social security cards are no longer considered valid
Voters without a valid photo ID can obtain a free state ID card at any Bureau of Motor vehicles deputy registrar license agency in Ohio - more info here
GOTV efforts in Ohio should support voters without a voter ID to obtain a state ID card
College Students Registration Info
If student is maintaining separate address in home state or county, they should use that address for voter reg. If they do not have another place to return after school, and use their school address to register, they may vote based on their school address. Details: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/voter-eligibility-residency-reqs/
Polling Hours
Polls are open from 6:30am to 7:30pm - sample ballot here
Address Required for Homeless Voters?
Yes. Homeless voters may use shelter address or address of another fixed location where they regularly reside. Details here: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/voter-eligibility-residency-reqs/
Voting While in Jail or Prison? If so, how can Voters Register and Cast Their Ballots?
IRecourses for Ohio voters with disabilities can be found here
Voting Recourses for Those Needing Assistance
There are also various resources for those who need extra assistance at every polling location
Voting While in the Hospital Recourses

Can request an absentee ballot after the 10/29 deadline if voter or minor child is hospitalized due to unforeseen circumstances. Full details here: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/voters-with-disabilities/special-circumstances/

Requesting Ballots in Another Language, Registering to Vote in Another Language
No information available.
Voter Affiliation

Republican: 42%

Independent: 18%

Democrat: 40%