
Left isn’t better.
Right isn’t better.
Better is better.

Independent of the broken two party system and the corporate corruption of our government, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pursue new policies in the best interests of the American people.

Independent of the broken two party system and the corporate corruption of our government, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pursue new policies in the best interests of the American people.

Top Issues

An epidemic of chronic disease is engulfing our nation. Obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, autism, cancer, and mental illness is at record levels, especially among young people. These diseases cause untold misery and drain the vitality from our nation’s economy. Chronic disease costs the economy over $4 trillion a year, and dwarfs even defense as the big drain on the federal budget.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. knows how to turn it around, and he will bring that knowledge into the Trump administration. With President Trump’s backing, he will reorient federal health agencies toward chronic disease and rid them of Big Pharma’s influence. He will ban the hundreds of food additives and chemicals that other countries have already prohibited. He will change regulations, research topics, and subsidies to reduce the dominance of ultra-processed food. He will clean up toxic chemicals from our air, water, and soil. He will ensure that research into pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, additives, and environmental chemicals is scientifically unbiased.

Just two generations ago, America was the healthiest country in the world. It can be that way again. We can Make America Healthy Again.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be a stand for peace and diplomacy within the Trump administration. He will help President Trump identify appointees who will pull America back from the brink of nuclear confrontation with Russia. He will exert a strong pro-peace influence on foreign policy in the Trump administration, and fortify President Trump’s instinct to abstain from military interventions, regime-change wars, and provocation of the world’s other great powers.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump know that the war machine has ruined America’s economy and broken its budget. They are both committed to bringing those trillions of dollars home.

The freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are the essence of what makes America a great nation. Unfortunately, over the last two decades and especially the last four years, these rights have been under constant assault. Censorship, surveillance, control of the media, and propaganda are now standard operating procedure of our government.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. holds a strong conviction that freedom of speech, assembly, the press, worship, the right to bear arms, and other Constitutional rights must be protected. It used to be that the Democratic Party shared these values much more than the Republican, but times have changed. Now it is the Democratic elite that is most zealous about policing the speech and curtailing the freedom of American citizens. That is a big reason why Mr. Kennedy has joined forces with President Trump, to stop this assault before it is too late.

President Trump famously promised to “drain the swamp.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the man to help him get it done. Kennedy has spent his career suing the most corrupt corporations and government agencies in America. He knows how they operate and he knows how to reform them.

With President Trump’s support, RFK Jr. will end the era of corporate capture. He will ensure that honest officials are appointed to leadership roles in federal agencies. He will help the president unravel the web of secrecy, lies, cover-ups, and corruption that has enveloped our public institutions.

Operating in the Trump administration, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be able to fulfill his mission of reclaiming America’s government for its people.